This is QUITE freaky -- Watch the video on the link!
It may seem strange that humans have evolved from fish, but the evidence can be found not just in fossils but also within our own bodies.
Your face is your most expressive feature; it tells the world what you are feeling, who you are and where you come from. Although no two faces are exactly the same, they share a number of common characteristics; a couple of eyes, a nose, a mouth and a philtrum.
The philtrum is the groove on your top lip that lies just beneath your nose. You see it every day in the mirror so you probably never think about it
It has no obvious function. Instead it is an accident of our origins, a clue to our fishy past and how our faces first formed.
Your face is formed in the womb in the first couple of months of life, from when you were the size of a grain of rice to when you were the size of a kidney bean.
The video (above) of a growing human face shows how this process happens. It has been created from high quality scans of human embryos at early stages of development, provided by universities and hospitals.
This unique time-lapse video shows the face developing from a one-month-old embryo to an age of 10 weeks.
If you watch it closely, you will see that the human face is actually formed of three main sections which rotate and come together in an unborn foetus.
The way this happens only really makes sense when you realise that, strange though it may sound, we are actually descended from fish.
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